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Masters and Millionaires

If you are NOT a master or millionaire at SOME human effort, remember why you have two ears & one mouth. It's reasonable to think they were designed to be used twice as much... yes, or no? Doesn't it follow that you have two eyes in order for them to be used twice as much as the one mouth?
Do you understand that hundreds of thousands of living masters, along with millions of millionaires must know more than you? As hard as it is to visualize tens of thousands of masters at their craft, let alone millions, yes, MILLIONS of individual millionaires, the fact remains that they can personally attest to the best news for you this year, regarding your own possibilibities.

Who among us can even imagine such numbers?   More to the point, how can so many millions of successful individuals be wrong, or be less wise than you?
As always, those who know better, can be seen to do it better. Of the thirty-two questions that were asked of more than 5,200 masters, millionaires, and billionaires, only three answers came close to being perfectly uniform in the course of these interviews. Without a doubt, this page contains the seed of one of the greatest powers at your disposal. Knowing it is virtually useless until it's actually used by you personally to reap the rich, rewarding benefits.

Answer 5 questions in detail within 72 hours of now... IN WRITING... and you are unconditionally guaranteed to reap enormous impact on your life in days or, if you're the dummy of the family, as much as a couple of weeks. With such positive results being guaranteed, half your battle (worrying about whether something will work for you), is unecessary. President, janitor, first-year student or manager; housewife or household word: this program works for every human being who uses it.
           HUGE results at a highly accelerated pace.    Absolutely guaranteed.

Because they are the shortcuts and techniques of our universal role models, literally thousands and thousands of masters, and most of our seven million millionaires, the power gems in these pages comprise the most guaranteed system of success on earth. They are from what your Grandpa might call the horse's mouth. You can tolerate a quote from a beloved grandfather, can't you?..."If you don't get it from the horse's mouth, maybe you're spending too much time at the wrong end of the horse."
Remember, these techniques and shortcuts are so powerful, so very fast-acting, that the people who use these 'magic tricks' cannot possibly fail; they can only stop their forward motion by not acting upon them. You don't quit because you failed. Without exception, you fail because you quit. Having shortcuts at your disposal are useful only insofar as you remember that the word 'useful' means 'full of use." With persistence, these shortcuts produce astonishing results, quickly. We've produced an average of more than 10,000 new millionaires per week in America for 7 years. Isn't it your turn?

Look at every single supersuccessful person in history. EVERY SINGLE ONE! They themselves are telling us how they do it! What better possible source is there for you, for me, for any human who's not getting all of the results we might want? If at this moment you are not at the highest point of your life that you ever dreamed you'd be, or enroute, be quiet. You can get it from the horse's mouth, or be accused of spending too much time at the wrong end of the horse. Get ready for quick results.

Although America currently boasts seven MILLION individual millionaires, more significant is the fact that approximately six million of these people aren't merely worth a million, they report annual incomes in excess of a million dollars. I have trouble visualizing six hundred thousand millionaires in one country; how can there be yet another ten GROUPS of six hundred thousand people who are currently earning a million or more dollars per year?

When we're reminded that money is, at best, second or third on the list of measurements for success, think of all the other joys available in life. You already believe that earning a million per year is much harder than, say, learning a new language, or getting along better with certain family members, or harder than getting some passion back into your marriage or significant relationship. If many hundreds of thousands of living Americans can learn to earn a million or more per year WITHOUT A DIPLOMA, then how many "easier" tasks are there that you can master? Of what use is it to you personally to know that more efficient use of resources you already possess will bring fast, powerful benefits...if you don't DO it?

What is YOUR reputation? Right now, hush up, and answer: What was the last thing you did to earn the respect of your peers? _________________________ This is what your reputation is based upon. As the publisher of Who's Who Worldwide, Bruce Gordon used to say, "Yeah, but what have you done for me lately?" Less than ten minutes from now, I propose that we ensure that we have the basic shape of the blueprint that will bring you from where you are right now, to a better place in this life, whether you're 17 or 87. Remember Anna Mary Robertson? At 76, with arthritis so severe she couldn't dress alone, six doctors told her it was hopeless. The seventh doctor suggested she pick up a pen or pencil each day to draw, perhaps a paintbrush. Laughingly, she said she'd never picked up a paintbrush in her life. He asked her what she had to lose.

Between the ages of 76 and 94, Anna Mary Robertson, better known as Grandma Moses, painted more than 600 masterpieces, and later, nearly 400 more. She even illustrated "The Night Before Christmas" when she was 100. She found a better place in life. You will too, in the next few days, by simply closing your mouth, opening your ears, and following the shortcuts. Just do it with me, for ten simple minutes, no matter WHO you are, or what you do. I've read more than sixteen thousand books, and that's probably more than you and everyone you know all added up together have read.
We're bringing these incredible supershortcuts to you from the mouths, the words, and deeds of thousands upon thousands of extraordinarily successful people, using a broad, universally agreeable definition of success: Measureable results. Every human task fits this. We can modify this definition, never eliminate it. We can agree that one definition of success is: The day-to-day progress towards mutual benefit. Whatever YOUR definition of success is, there's a way to measure it in your field of interest, correct? We'll identify precisely where you are on the map, and where you are determined to be in 100 days, and 1000 days. I'm proceeding on the assumption that you can identify at least one thing, if not more, that you need to be world-class at before you die.

Without a doubt, the single most important thing you can do in the next sixty seconds is to state out loud, your determination that you can, and will, be world-class at ____________________________________.

Let's put it out on the table and clarify why we are spending time together. If you're reading this, I've been paid the money. That's one of my two goals for this program. Because I derive joy giving away half my income, money is almost as important as my life's passion. The only true value I get is for you to close your mouth, open your eyes and ears - to those who have done it better than you - and will continue to do it better than you until the moment you begin doing as they do. It's one of the most basic facets of science. Duplicate an action enough times, and you will assuredly duplicate the results of that action.

Every page in this presentation contains powerful, immediately useful items. Every page or two, jot down those that seem tailor-made for you to gain benefit. Please remember that the entire point of this entire program: is for you to use shortcuts that produce results within a day or so. Please don't complicate things. Keep it simple. Every shortcut you take brings you one step closer. Write in the margins, write on the lines, write on the covers, just please don't be a moron and stop writing. The more you write, the more you make. The more you write, the more you make. The more you write, the more you make.

Even if you only use a fraction of what's in here, there are dozens of shortcuts that are as good as tailor-made, just for you, in YOUR particular career field, whether you're a household word, or housewife, a Harrier jet pilot or a hooker, a typist or a tyrant: this is the best day to create a useful map, recipe, blueprint, because even more convincing than my own use, or my students' successful use of these high-powered shortcuts: Name 1000 role models of this generation. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM uses most or all of these Shortcuts of masters and millionaires.

Stop leaving it to other people to do, many of whom do NOT seem to be as smart as you. If you are not an, acknowledged master or millionaire in your field, you have absolutely no right to a licit, valid opinion on how to do it successfully.
There are people who pursue their highest calling with passion, and there are people who do not. We already KNOW what you are.... because of whatever you've done on a day to day basis for years now. It is the final dividing line, the shortcut to understanding the most critical, instantaneous forward motion toward supersuccess: those who know what to do, and those who shut up and do it. Just like the thousands of Winners I've interviewed, and thousands more I've studied, your life is perfect proof of virtually every word you're reading. Stupid people are those who know exactly what to do; smart people are those who shut up and do it. Most people get only one life to live. Is it fair for us to say that you personally will probably only live one life? If you only have one of something, don't you want to treat it differently than you do something you have many of?     Do you understand (which means, do you ACT as if you understand) that life, like a piece of bread or lightbulb, is made up of smaller components that are combined? With bread, it's the smaller components of flour, water, and heat.
With the light bulb, it's a piece of wire, a couple of supports, a wire band, glass.

With life, the smaller components are what we call seconds, which rapidly become minutes and years.

Just as we can take the light bulb, and add it to other items to be part of a truck, the individual seconds of your life, and mine, and everyone who lives and breathes, those seconds become hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Add up all the items, and the total is called "My Life." Because we add different amounts of different ingredients, the final product is also different.

Since you or somebody else paid for this presentation, it makes sense to use it. In the next five minutes, let's draft out a proposed plan for your life. Yes, you. Five minutes. Write in the margins if you have to. PUT IT ON PAPER. It is one of the most compelling of all the shortcuts of power: it must be written. Never mind what's in your head. Does no good until it's outside of your head, under your control. For your sake. Scribble ideas and wishes in the margins. USE IT!!

Everything important you ever do in your life you plan, from weddings and holidays to interstate travel.

In minutes, we begin drafting a plan for the most important journey of all: YOUR LIFE... day to day.

Stop and think about it: ever been to a wedding? I would suppose that no less than 95% of all weddings go off wonderfully. Every wonder why? Think there might be a connection to the fact that the wedding or other affair was so carefully planned? Even the color and folding of the napkins or type of lettering on the invitations to the honeymoon suite reservations, et alia: the event is planned, on paper.

It's broken down to smaller steps, correct?

Would you even dream of trying to make a three-day deadline to travel 1500 miles without a definite, clear, written plan, sometimes referred to as 'a map;' sometimes referred to as 'Give me the directions?" Of course not. You make the deadline specifically because you knew precisely where you were going, you found out which road to take, and then you persisted, even when you got lost, ran out of gas, or suffered other obstacles.

When you come to a red light, you stop your car (hopefully). At that moment, your forward momentum has stopped. In fact, your trip has come, literally, to a halt. Do you end the trip? Do you turn around and go home? Well, before you sneer, stop and consider how many times in your life you may have taken a first step, even a second, third, or ninth step towards doing or acquiring something, and suddenly your trip came to a halt. Proving once again that ninety-three percent of us are too stupid to act upon the knowledge that 100% of us possess, you quit. Because you quit, you failed, not the other way around. In any and every worthwhile thing you personally have ever accomplished, and repeated at will, it is exclusively because you knew precisely what you wanted, you knew what you had to do to get there, and you did it as many times as it took to get it done. Now, we get to use your skills for higher achievements, with results appearing as soon as the next hour or less... of YOUR life.

Just get the recipe correct. Like a corrected map or blueprint of your home, we work backwards, live forwards. You would not bake a cake without a specific, QUANTIFIED recipe. You would not dream of driving to another city without a map. You would not consider building a house without a blueprint. How could you possibly think of treating your life as something not worthy of building, rather than just taking as it comes?

What do these things have in common? They are written, and they are ca pable of being measured by QUANTIFIABLE smaller steps. Period. 45,000 pages of research are crunched into 2100 pages. Quantifiable. Enough material for ten books. When you ask better questions, you persistently get better answers, whether you're asking the question of yourself, or someone else. It works. Use it.

  • Precisely (meaning precisely) what do I want?
  • By what date?

  • What five smaller pieces can I break this into?
  • Who can I ask for help?
  • What first measurable step can I take in the next five days?

Put your answers, IN WRITING , and you now see the map to your own highly-accelerated success in any and every human endeavor. PLUS, it provides the brain with a magic, nearly-undefinable measure of fuel to take action on these answers. When we map things out, they become simpler, easier to understand, easier to believe in, and the results follow as an uncomplicated - or 'de-complicated'- chain of graspable steps, each following as naturally as breathing or tying your shoes.
There isn't even any need for you to necessarily believe or not believe in this life-changing, truly magical shortcut, because you can and certainly will prove them right or wrong... ... AFTER you've put them to the test.
We absolutely and unconditionally guarantee that when you ask a hundred millionaires, one at a time, how they got to be a millionaire, the majority of them will tell you that they had, and/or still have, a written plan.
We asked several thousands of millionaires that question, one at a time, and more than ninety percent of them included  "WRITTEN PLAN"    as one of their answers.
If you really do know better than thousands of millionaires how to go about becoming a millionaire, feel free to tell us -- oops, feel free to SHOW US -- that you know better. If not, we suggest you grab a pen and paper, now, this minute, and begin that magnificent journey to a phenomenally happier life... starting today.

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Dedicated, as always, to the memory of the life-changing rara avis, Msgr "Bernie" Francis Kellogg.
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