Seventy thousand CEO's, C.O.O.'s, Chairman of the Boards, and Presidents of the Fortune 3000
A generation's best and brightest

1700 Who's Who organizations in the USA.   For 100 yrs, Marquis Who's Who ruled the roost.
Along came a competitor who ran past Marquis, creating a executive club, a way to expand the network.
Reed Elsevier, Dutch owner of Marquis, Lexis Nexis, Martindale Hubble, etc., did not like being second-best,
so the goal was to crush the largest executive club ever created: Who's Who Worldwide Registry.

Can you explain never hearing about this impressively dirty trial, one of our longest federal trials?
With a corrupt postal inspector and more, they succeeded.
70,000 top executives lost their investment.    Not a whisper in the media.     A news blackout.

              One Amazing Story... Dirty Trials... ... Scandal... blackouts ... and more ..... Long Live the Wizard!             

  Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!    Remember 911day.